Teen Life Skills
How prepared is your teen for real life?
Launching well-adjusted, confident, capable young adults can be challenging in today`s world. We live in a "NOW GENERATION"- a world of instant gratification and consumerism. We can watch a movie instantly, order online and get one day prime delivery.
Therefore, it`s important for teens to contribute in the home and learn how to serve others through life skills so they do not become entitled, take things for granted and are ready when they need to leave home.
Autonomy (independence) needs to grow alongside responsibility (more freedom requires more responsibility). For example: before your teen starts driving, they need to know what the expectations are and what life skills are needed before they get this privilege. Give them tangible life skill goals to work towards before you hand over your car keys.
Here is a FREE resource with ideas of how you can prepare your teenagers for adulthood with practical life skills.
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