Career Exploration
Discover your why and Career vision
In addition to coaching, I am an IMAGE certified coach offering career packages for students to see what careers match their intrinsic motivations and strengths. After taking an online IMAGE assessment, students will see how their IMAGE pattern affects what roles they instinctively adopt for greater fulfillment in a career path or future vocation.
IMAGE identifies distinct patterns from seven motivations that intrinsically reflect the student. These motivational patterns influence the way students interact with friends and family, which areas of work they like or dislike, even the way they handle money or make life decisions.
What are intrinsic motivations?
They are inward drives, strengths and spiritual gifts that strongly influence the way students respond to people, situations and problems in the world. It answers the question: What motivates your student into action?
IMAGE is not designed to measure personality; it is designed to measure patterns which affect the roles students adopt when interacting in the world. For example: If the student`s motivation or gift is teaching, then he/she will naturally research truth to find facts and clearly present these findings to others. Or if the student is more of a comforter, his/her natural tendency is to identify with the emotions of others and respond appropriately.
The career compatibility profile (ICCP) provides a comprehensive analysis of motivational compatibility for seven broad areas of the work place: artistic, financial, health, public, service, social, technical and service or trade professions. Interests, skills, training and experience are not taken into account in this evaluation. Hence, it is important to realize that this evaluation only reveals compatible career areas aligned to the student`s intrinsic motivational make-up. The ICCP results will give students more career clarity and direct their college search or future path.
In the business world, the goal is to move from surviving to thriving and not be caught in work or a career where students become dissatisfied and unfulfilled. According to Gallup, about 80 % of the population in the United States are not satisfied in their careers, mostly due to choosing work based on salary and benefits. Early discovery of a student`s natural intrinsic role will guide them into a more satisfying career path that matches their inner motivation.
To complete the online assessment, students will answer 91 questions which will take about 30 minutes. Two reports are generated from this assessment: the Intrinsic Motivation Assessment Guide and Evaluation (IMAGE) which identifies intrinsic motivations, and the IMAGE Career Compatibility Profile (ICCP) which correlates their IMAGE results and patterns to their motivational makeups. The ICCP helps identify the greatest areas of fulfillment in different occupations.
Also see other group coaching options and home school curriculum here.
Why take the IMAGE assessment?
IMAGE profiles are like a COMPASS that help students:
Identify strengths and gifts (understand themselves better)
Greater self-awareness
Better interpersonal skills (how they communicate with others)
Explore career options
Gain more clarity and direction (less anxiety)
​Having a clearer idea of what your student wants to pursue after high school helps avoid unnecessary costs of changing majors during college and increasing debt and financial burden.
Benefits to Parents:
Peace of mind that your student has explored career options and has a clearer plan
Peace of mind for your student and less anxiety
Time saving in all aspects: visiting colleges, choosing majors with a smaller "list" of options to focus on.
Discover Your Why and Career Path package A Includes:
A 15 minute consult to prepare students to take the online assessment
An online IMAGE assessment
Two reports: intrinsic motivational report and career compatibility profile report
Three 45 minute coaching sessions to analyze results with application to career
In Total: 2 assessments, 3 reports, 3 coaching sessions with unlimited parent email support
BONUS: an extra online career assessment with searchable links for career research and further planning.
Cost: $557 individuals Cost: $257 Groups (3-4 students)
Discover your why and Career Path Package B includes:
A 15 minute consult to prepare students to take the online assessment
An online IMAGE assessment
Two reports: intrinsic motivational report and career compatibility profile report
Three 45 minute coaching sessions to analyze results with application to career
Two further-discovery sessions: personality assessment, interests, skills, values, mission statement
In Total: 2 assessments, 3 reports, 5 coaching sessions with unlimited parent email support
BONUS: an extra online career assessment with searchable links for career research and further planning.
Cost: $797 Individuals Cost: $397 Groups (3-4 students)
Please contact me below to find out more and book your seat.
Also see other group coaching options here.
Disclaimer: As a coach, I do not give advise as to what colleges to go to, majors or finer details of testing, careers and college information. Career coaching is about exploring and not about giving out information. Career decision and college research is up to the student. A coach does not teach, counsel or advice. A coach supports the self-discovery process with questions that help students with greater self-awareness and more clarity for the next step.